Conservação de animais silvestres

Anteaters & Highways project: First results

Anteaters & Highways project: First results

3 minutos Trabalho apresentado no III Congresso Iberoamericano de Biodiversidade e Infraestrutura Viária (CIBIV 2020) Autores.- Arnaud Léonard Jean Desbiez, Débora Regina Yogui, Mariana Labão Catapani, Vinicius Alberici, Fernando Ascensã The Brazilian Cerrado is a stronghold for populations of giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Today this biome is being heavily fragmented by an ever-increasing road network. Giant anteaters are one of the most frequently road-killed species. The main goal of the Anteaters & Highways Project is to understand and quantify the impacts of roads – Leia mais